Thursday, March 6, 2008


A quick call from Belinda.
They have been doing foot patrols to neighboring villages. She is frustrated because even though she was trained with intense first aid, she is coming cross illnesses and injuries she can do little for. Things that would be mundane in nature and easily cured in Canada are not in a area crippled and impoverished by war. As the lone female in her group, she is the one to see the women of the area. One she suspected of having internal bleeding, but the male present swore up and down that there had been no impact or injury to the old woman's abdomen, yet everything about the presentation told her is was internal bleeding. Wounds and arthritus, severe infections... her frustration mounts... she feels she can bring little comfort to so much suffering. I try to remind her that to just be there, a caring presence in a moment of someone elses pain, is a comfort...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! that was a zany phone call i got from you this morning about the rg-31. i wouldve shit a brick haha. hope things are going well over their for you. miss you lots b-sis!

love c-bro. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo