Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Emails on Afghanistan

Hello All,
There has been a lapse in communication regarding the blog while I waited to hear the results of something that Belinda had passed on to me. There has been a request put out that anything related to Afghanistan not be posted on the Internet, but rather, confined to email and other more non-public venues. While we always worked to keep our blog heavily edited and non-revealing, there have been other incidences related to other blogs and Facebook-style venues where sensitive information could have been revealed, even if accidentally.

So in it's place, I am doing a weekly email-style blog for everyone interested in keeping up with life overseas and Belinda's experiences. Emails will be done in blind carbon copy or copy and paste, and kept confidential to protect the email addresses of everyone participating. Please send me you email to the address below and I will send on new updates! :)

To wrap up this blog with a final post:
Belinda's trip home was a great one, and she took much pleasure in even the smallest things like snacks and fruit, a bed with clean sheets, a shower...Upon returning overseas, she was to start taking a malaria medication called methoquin...but did not realize she had an allergy to it and the end result was a rash that looked like a severe case of chicken pox and 2 weeks of light duty while she recovered and had the old medication flushed out of her system and a new malaria medication used to combat malaria instead.

Parcels continue to arrive there for herself and her fellow soldiers and she sends a big thank you to all. They are a welcome surprise on a long hot day!

The month has been a brisk one for everyone there, and the heat is rising steadily with a recent temperature of 52 Celsius . there have been a few moves and changes, all for the better. Recent updates and experiences will be included in our new email blog. My thanks to all for keeping in touch through this way and Belinda and I look forward to continuing to share in our new venue.

My contact email for joining our email blog :

Till next time,

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