Monday, March 10, 2008

IMP's ...otherwise known as 'Green Eggs and Ham"

The diet living at a post in Afghanistan is limited at best. While they always have something to eat...sometimes what you have to eat is not all that appealing.

Lately, for reasons unknown, there has been a surplus of breakfast IMP's (individual meakl packs)- referred to in the days of old as green eggs and ham! But as of late, they have not always received the lunch and supper rations when these items are distributed. Considering these IMP's are made with the intent of having a 3 year shelf life, you can just imagine how 'tasty' they are...would you want to consume a piece of 3 year old bread? ;-)...

Now imagine only having breakfast - over and over.

This has led to some inventive cooking with whatever supplies the soldiers could scrounge, most recently they were BBQing bologna. Belinda, who has always had a strong dislike for rice, asked me to send a huge bag of it...even undesirable foods look tasty next to an IMP!

Till next time,

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