Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A call from Belinda

A quick note before I depart for work...
There is a 12 hour time difference so we get the call in the middle of the night... Belinda was amazed and in awe of how clear and big the skies are... She can see forever there.
The mountains are beautiful, very jagged and distant. She said their country is beautiful- the land, the trees, the people- if only it were not for the signs of war...

Her area has endured a great deal of strife but it pleased her to know it had been reduced enough recently that there were children appearing in her region again, they herd the sheep and like to wave at the soldiers and are always hopeful for a treat. These kids have lost everything in most cases, lives interupted, so we have a treat box and box of children's clothing readying for mail by months end. Not much considering the amount of need there, but a start at least. We will also be sending on a box of treats, clean socks, toiletries and other goodies for the soldiers in her particular post.

As I type this on my laptop, readying for work in my comfortable home, I am reminded of just how fortunate we are to be here in Canada... I am humbled to know that children can endure so much violence and hardship that would destroy the strongest spirit amongst adults, but still find joy in the simple task of being able to herd their sheep again and wave at the soldiers, hopeful for a small treat...


Anonymous said...

I do not know you Belinda, but good luck to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nins
Sorry it has been a few days, the ship is keeping me busy with PERS and The Olympic Planning Committee. How is everything going? Thanks for calling the other day, dont worry about what time it is here when you call. I know what it is like and sometimes you get to a phone when you do, so dont worry about the time change. It sounds like you are having an interesting tour so far. I am sure you will make some long lasting friendships with people you meet while on tour. I have a letter and a box in the mail for you. Kitten and Buddha are doing good, of course they are both being squaky but they are healthy and playing with each other all the time. I Love you and miss you and am very proud of you. Talk to you soon, Love Dad xoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

glad to hear that you have arrived safe and sound.