Monday, February 11, 2008

The Countdown

Here we sit... Belinda and her fellow troops preparing to depart for Afghanistan in 2 days. She is at the base right now tending to any remaining administration chores and packing (and re-packing) her immense amount of kit and personal effects.

Did you know...
Canada Post will send your letters to the troops for free at any time and any Military Family Resource Center will send your packages and presents to overseas troops for free at any time. The link included will provide you with a list of Military Family Resource Centers near you. Just click on the link "Search Canada" and locate your province.

If you would like to send Belinda a letter (or any soldier currently serving overseas) that you don't have an address for) contact me and I will pass on Belinda's information and the general Canadian Forces mailing address for sending a letter to fellow troops. Security being the issue that it is now and days, it is not appropriate for me to post the information here but I am prompt to reply to any emails. To send a letter or card to any soldier, you will need their rank and service number and tour rotation -but if you do not know these, not to worry, it is not difficult to tracks these down and if I can be of any help, please just send me a note.

Receiving a letter is the best kind of smile across the miles for any soldier so far from home. Many soldiers do not have family...and it is always a joy to hear from someone who wishes you well.

Tll next time,

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